Aug 9, 2008

I've bee down...

I have been down, I mean sick, from 3rd, August because too hard fiscal work, too hard mental pressure, and too hot!
in July.

Yeah, of course I know the life is not easy.

What? I think too much? Take it easy!?

Maybe you are right.
OK, I'll go my way with more toughness.

You! Thank you.

This is a beach in Busan, Korea.


Nae-chan said...

Take care.
I know how Japanese summer is hard for health, how Japanese society can be hard too for workers.

Take it easy.

DorisJ said...

hope you recovery soon..
take care..

mariethacom said...

was it real tha you were sick or it is a poem? If sick, wish U get well soon so as U will be back to the oldinary life. Take it easy.

Ana Cristina said...

Hi, Marukatsu
Wish you get well soon.
Take it easy!