Aug 31, 2012

It's me who thanks you!

You see, it's me who thanks you, every moment of every day, for all that you are.
You have no idea. 

Aug 30, 2012

Amagasaki, Japan, now.

Good evening.

Aug 26, 2012

Good morning.

It's a fine Sunday morning.
Thank you o(^∇^)o God!♪

Aug 21, 2012

It's still hot day.

16:22, Aug 21, 2012.
Amagasaki, Japan.

I love Summer!
Thank you o(^∇^)o God!♪

Aug 15, 2012

67years ago, we, Japanese lost the world war Ⅱ.

67years ago, we, Japanese lost the world war Ⅱ.
That was not mean the end of the world for us, Japanese. 

Aug 12, 2012

Aug 11, 2012

I bet Summer shower won't come.

In Japan, weather comes from the west.
Because of the prevailing westerlies or the tide.
I see the Sunset now.
Well, I bet Summer shower won't come tonight.
Good evening.

Aug 8, 2012

The Sun is setting down now. ( Amagasaki, Japan. )

It was fine day.
The Something Great is always with us.
I'm sure.

Good evening.

Go on your own road,

But remember,
There is the law, 
The survival of the fittest.

Aug 5, 2012

Sunday Red Sky!

Let's enjoy New Monday!
Good night!

Hakuto Shrine.

Hakuto Shrine.
Nagata, Kobe, Japan.

Very small shrine.
There is a pair of Guardian Dogs in front of the gate.
(You can see them in this picture!)
There are some Guardian Foxes in there.  

Sunday morning!

Good morning!
Have a wonderful Sunday!

Aug 3, 2012

Aug 1, 2012